code.d Academy

  • Details

    Duration: 1 session of 6 hours
    Price: $1, 000

    What's included:

    - Training Coursebook
    - 28 Swatch Cards

  • Benefits

    Gain advanced knowledge and skills in your field, such as makeup, hair, or any beauty/fashion-related profession.

    Achieve a higher level of expertise that distinguishes you in your industry

    Ideal for those in beauty and fashion-related roles, including makeup artists.

  • Outcomes

    Gain new valuable skills and techniques for conducting colour analysis consultations.

    Develop a keen eye for colour and style

    Maximise your own or clients’ potential

    Extended Knowledge in Related Areas (e.g. Makeup, Fashion Styling)


  • 1. Theory

    Personal Colour Fact Check
    KS & PCCS Personal Colour System
    code.d + COCORY’s Personal Colour System
    8 Tones vs 12 Tones vs 16 Tones
    Basics of Colour Theory
    History of Personal Colour
    The Importance of Personal Colour
    Classification System (4 seasons, Various tones)

  • 2. Colorimetric Device

    Cielab Colour System
    Principles of Tone
    Skin Colorimetry and Data

  • 3. Personal Colour Analysis Process

    Learning how to identify the colours
    Familiarizing with analysis tools
    Draping Order, Analysis Techniques & Methods

To indicate your interest